Thursday, November 7, 2013
HaRooo Efurryone!
Just droppin' by to see how woo is all doin'!
Maw and me has been checkin' out sum of our bloggin' buddies to see what's been happenin'.
We are sad to see dat sum of our friends have crossed to da Rainbow Bridge. So we want to say how furry sorry we are dat a member of da family is now gone and dat you had woo your hearts broken.
We have also lost a member of our family too, my sister Vada (but maw will do a post later) as maw is still dealin' wid a broken heart.
But we is also furry happy to see that der are sum new additions to sum of dese families and we want to say "HAROOOO and WELCOME!
Your old pal,
Sunday, November 27, 2011
A Pawdicure
Maw, I really don't want to watch when woo trim my nails. Does this really have to be done?
Maw would have taken pics as she did Ivanna's nails but she said she didn't have a fourth hand. She's not like us.
All done! Thanks Maw! Now my feety feet look good. Even if I don't like getting it done.
Husky kisses,
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Happy Thanks-fur-giving!

Husky kisses!
Biloxi and my sibs
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Ma and Paw Escape!
Ma and Paw escaped us yesterday! I found dese pics on Ma's flashy box.
Then dey went to a museum dat had a display of cars celebratin' 100 years of Chevy.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Serene Sunday Mornin'
I think Maw better start rakin' sum of dese leaves. So much. Too much.
And here I am checking out to see if der is anythin' goin' on across the highway at da neighbor's house. Looks all quiet from here. Guess I'll go take my nap now. Hope woo all have a peaceful and serene Sunday.
Husky Kisses,
Sunday, September 11, 2011
We Remember
In our hearts and pawful prayers, we remember dem people and all da fur pets dat lost their lives on Sept. 11 in NYC, da Pentagon, and on Flight 93.
May dey have eternal peace in Heaven and da Rainbow Bridge. God Bless America!
We will nefur forget!
Monday, February 14, 2011
I'm 3 today
Today's my birfday and I am 3 years old today!
Here's da card Maw made fur me!
I wonder what maw has in store fur me today????
Special treats I hope! I kin always count on maw fur sumptin' special.
Husky kisses,