Hi Y'all,
Can't believe anudder week gone! Kaput! History!
But guessin' what?!?!? Looks what I can do!

I call dis da Biloxi stretch. I do dis a few times a day to help gits my back leg muscles strong. It works! Here youse can sees me help maw do da cooking. I was soupy-visin'.

And here in da sunroom, maw tooks a pitcher of me guarding the bags of cabbage her and pa got.

Den I decides to check and makes sure it still fresh and dat ma didn't hide anything else in there.

That cabbage sure is yummy. I loves my veggies and fruits. I gits carrots and apples and nows I likes da cabbage too. Maw worried about me bein a little smelly from it. I thinks I smells pretty good! What she got to worry about?

Wese also had a wittle snow fall here in da backyard. Still lots of leaves to clean up. Ma said pa could it. She got to finish canning da veggies and fryin up all dat cabbage. Hope she makes us bacon and eggs too while she at it.

Later on Saturday we just all lazin' around. Too bad ma put da pond away. We coulda been lazin by dat. But the sunroom just as comfy with my sista Ivanna.

Vada likes to be lazin' outside when it cool.

Have a great week y'all!
Husky kisses,