Woo Hoo Woo Y'all,
Well Maw and Paw finally bought some new shelving racks for under da kitchen cabinets so Maw could orgeenize her pots and pans. Here Vada is supervisin' Paw to make sure he matches efurrythin' just right.

Dey also buy a new garbage can to fit under da kitchen sink because Nikita da big lug keeps gittin' into da old one and we gits to have a trash day party. Dere's always sumthin' good in dere but Maw doesn't like all da trash over her kitchen floor. We always cleans up (not so good alls da time).

Here me (in the bone scarf) and Nikita is supervisin' Paw ta make sure he gits it right.

Really, wese just checking to see hows we can git into dis one. Notice how Nikita is really studying da new setup. I's had to have a closer look. Well, Maw's waitin to sees how long it will take us to figure dis one out.
Husky kisses,