Woo Woo Y'all!
On Saturday, Maw takes me to dis really cool place called da Canine Learning Experience in Allentown. I gots to see lots of people and lots and lots of udder dawggies.
Maw puts me in a puppy obedience class for fun to sees hows I wood do. All da humans sat in a circle and plays pass da puppy around. Dey had to pass our leashes from one person to da next and pet us so wese could get use to people. Maw made sure da instructor knows dat no one better let go of my leash or we'd be playing "catch da puppy". We did sit, down, stand, and heel. Maw gots to work on heel. She keeps starting on da wrong foot.
I also gots to go through da long agility tunnel. I kinda sauntered. Wasn't in a hurry ta run through it. Maw was furry furry proud of me.
We did some shopping and Maw bought us some nice hard bones to chewie on. Maw gots herself a nice husky necklace.

On a sad note, Maw would like efurryone to say a little prayer for a client/friend of hers. Mookie crossed to da Rainbow Bridge on Friday, Jan. 23. She was a Norwegian Elkhound mix and was over 17 years old. Run free Mookie!!!! May your paws be furever on your Maw's heart.
Husky kisses,