Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving Efurryone!

HaRoooo Y'all!
Jest wishin' woo all a furry Happy Turkey Day!
Wid lots of punkin' pie to go wid it!

I want to give tanks to all of woo fur being my friends. Woo is da coolest group I knows. Enjoy your special families too! Wid out dem, where would we be?

And I want to give tanks to my siblings fur being my bestest sisters and brudders. I always has sumone to play wid.

And special tanks to my Maw and Pa fur da wonderful home I has, wid food, water, comfy beds, HH cookies, special walkies and best of all, da hugs and smooches I keeps gittin. Dey jest makes me feel so good and loved.

Husky kisses and Happy Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Jumpin' Bean

HaRooooo Y'all,
Here's my sister, Ivanna, da Jumpin' Bean.

Husky kisses,


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Husky kisses,


Saturday, November 14, 2009

Fur Snickers

HaRooooo Y'all,
We is asking efurryone, at 5 p.m. Iowa time to send your thoughts, prayers, kisses, and sibe vibes fur Miss Snickers.

Thank woo all furry much. She needs all dat we can give her.

Husky kisses,

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Something's Out Der

HaRooooo Y'all.
There's always somethin' kitchin' Nikita's atenshun out der.

Husky kisses,


Saturday, November 7, 2009

They're Here! They're Here!!!

HaRooooo Y'all,

Num num num num num!!!!! Can woo all guess??????

Here's da special markings on da package. Need anudder clue??

Here's Ivanna to show woo what's inside. Actually, I think she be guarding it so no one else gits it.

Look!!!! Look!!!!! Look!!!!

Happy Heart Cookies!!!!!! A woooooooooooooooooooooo!

Look at dis furry special shape!! It's a Husky! Husky cookies fur Huskies!!!!!!

Here's Danya gittin' his HH cookie!

And Vada. She was furry polite and gave Maw a chance to use da flashy beast.

Here's Ivanna gittin' her own husky.
And Nikita was fast as lightin'. Couldn't wait fur his cookie.
And den der's me. I couldn't wait!!!! Num num num num num!!!!! MMMMMMM MMMMMM Pawtastic!!!!!!

Maw better learn to git quicker wid dat flashy beast if she wants a pitcher of da cookie before we devour it. We'll keep her practicin'. We now has plenty of HH cookies to do it wid.
And we has special flavors to try too such as watermelon, mint, ginger! Can't wait!
Hey Maw! Kin we practice sum more now to see if woo is quick wid da flashy beast???
Husky kisses,

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Lost It

HaRooooo Y'all.
DANG!!!! I don't know where it could be! I hid it here sumwhere.

I will help try to find it too Biloxi.

Hey, little bro, I will look over here.

Biloxi! Are woo shure woo had it out here?

Yeah yeah. Purty shure.

We'll just keep on looking.

Husky kisses,
