Husky kisses,
Husky kisses,
Why does Maw hasta always show my baby picture??? But I does look cute. And I always will look cute, ummmm, handsome.
We celebrated wid sumptin' special Maw made called Punkin' Paws. It actually be punkin' bread but made in paw shaped muffin cups. Dey was so furry yummy.
Enjoy your weekend efurryone!
Husky kisses,
Jest remember, when woo is not the lead dog, the scenery never changes. Woowoowoo!!!!!!!!!!!
Husky kisses,
Nikita, move over so I can jump in too! It's not all yours you know!
Hmmm, looks nice cool and refreshing. But do I really want to get all wet right now? Nawww, I'll jest wait till later.
Here is a video Maw took of Nikita and Ivanna in da pool. I jest didn't feel like jumpin' in till the water warmed up a wittle.
Enjoy your weekend!
Peas give tanks to all our vets ( and not da doc vet we's goes to) fur pertecting our country and da freedom we all enjoy today!
A Paws and Tail Wags Salute to our Navy, Marines, Air Force, Army and Coast Guard!!!!
Biloxi and Siber-Sibs
Do I look dat hungry?????? (pssst, it was furry tasty though)
Husky kisses,
See dem big white wet snow flakies???
Here is an update of how much snows we gots!!!! And it still be comin' down!
Husky kisses,
Sadie did have to go in da water to retrieve her wubba. Sadie did do a few more jumps but not like she does at home. Guessin' Uncle Steve will work wid her over da summer so she could do dis again next year.
I gots to meet lots of doggies and udder hoomans here.
Here I am wid Clifford da Big Red Dog!
And this is da Blue Dog dat lives in a Big Blue House! Dey were both so furry nice to me.
Maw took me shopping and we walked lots and lots. Got some hoofies to chew on. And some free treats.
Okay, Maw. I has had enuff. Could we go home now???
Woo Hoo! I is ready for home! Let's find da truck!
I know da Sibe-urban is around here sumwhere! Lots and lots of cars!
Here it is Maw! I founds it!
Husky kisses,
Look closely.
Husky kisses,
PeeS: Da secret is under da table.
HaRoooo Y'all,
Da Snow Fairy was here dis mornin'! She chased da Snow Thief away! Now we have lots and lots of snow to romp in.
And it's still coming down! It's up to my belly!!!!
Whaddya think of all dis Ivanna! Dis is so cool!
Here's a video Maw took of us dis morning. Sorry if it so dark but it was 5:30 in da mornin'.
Husky kisses,
A girl just has to satisfy her sweet cravings somehow. And Maw always says, "Chocolate does the trick".
Snooter smoochies,