Hi Y'all,
Here sum pics of me and Vada sharing sum quiet moments together on our bed.
Kind a hard to see Vada since she blends into da shadows. We's sharin' our chew hooves.

Maw can't believe how Vada allows me to stays by her. She don't always likes company so close to her. I tink she really really loves me. What's not to love? I's her handsome baby brudder. Besides, I loves to give her kisses.
Husky kisses,
She rekhognizes a handsome baby brudder that she khan use to blame 'things' on at some point!
Tank woo fur sharing!
Hope woo are going to enjoy your furst howlidays up north!
I don't have a baby brudder, but if I did, I'd sure like him to be JUST like you!!!
Mya Boo Boo
WOO WOO Biloxi
Of course, Vada loves you! You are just adorable!
Thor and Marco Polo
Baby brothers are always given special treatment and that is totally appropriate.
It's that southern charm of yours, Biloxi!
It's always good to have a buddy. Kat's my buddy, but I would let her sit so close if we had something good to chew on.
Those look really yummy! You get great treats at your new house!
Butt wiggles, Meadow
Of course she loves you! Any doggy would be lucky to have you as a baby brudder, Biloxi!
Did Nikita figure out how to get into the new trash can yet? Wroo!
Brown dog kisses,
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