Hi Y'all,
I be havin' to keyrect sumthin in my earlier blog.
My certificate was bestowed upon me by the Honorable Queen Meeshka. My foster family da Kapp Pack passed it along toes me.
Thank you Queen Meeshka and thank you Kapp Pack for forwarding it.
Husky kisses,
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Hello!?!? Summer's Been Gone!
HI Y'all,
Well, Maw has now realized Summer is officially over! Done! Kaput! Til next year. She finally decides to cleans da closet and put her summer coats away and git da fall and winter ones out. We gots to help her do. Don't maw have pretty colored coats. Dat's so wese could find her.

Den us furkids thinks we don't wants to help anymore so wese started to play "tag". I tinks Nikita was "it". Seems he always is. Danya always chases him. So wese just joins in.
Den us furkids thinks we don't wants to help anymore so wese started to play "tag". I tinks Nikita was "it". Seems he always is. Danya always chases him. So wese just joins in.
Then me and Ivanna starts playing tug a war wid one of da bobos wese has. We tug and tug and tug. Nikita was da referree.
Guess who won????? Well it wasn't me. But den agin I decided to be a southern gentleman and lets her have it. What do you tink?
Den I gots in trouble wid Maw! I stole da little rug in da kitchen and starts chewin' on its. I founds a loose thread and thoughts I could fix it for Maw! She didn't buy dat excuse. Hey, I'm a pup. We do dese things.
Den Maw took dis cute pitcher of me sleeping. Is I known as a "hussey" den? Or is der anudder term for us guys? Maw didn't know. Thoughts she know everyting. Seems to always catch me at someting.
And guess what else excitin' happened?!?!?!? Da Kapp Pack (my foster family) bestowed on me my first Hula Certificate. YEAH!!!! I is soo very very excited!!!!!! Now what's I got to do to earn more?
I will treasure dis one cause it's my first!!!!
Husky kisses,
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Hike 'N Howl 2008
Hi Y'all,
Boy did wese has a nice time on Saturday at dis walk calls the Hike 'n Howl. I gots to meet lots of udder huskies and walk thru a nice park called Core Creek Park. It was a bee-woo-tiful day wid sunshine and nice cool weather for us huskies. But some humans thinks it was a bit too cold. Not fur us though.

Here's I gits to sees my friend Khyra and I gives her a husky hug.

Me and Ivanna gots to meet the Husky mascot. Ivanna kept barking at him to make sure he minds his manners and ta lets him know she's boss and takes no nonsense.

Here's all the huskies and their owners lining up for da walk. Man ders a lot of us.

This is da big room wheres dey had all the food and goodies for da humans. Me and Ivanna voted for da hot dogs. We coulda ates a whole lot after da walk.

Der was a sleddog team demonstration. Me and Ivanna were taking pointers on hows to pull a cart. I was kinda bored by it. Whys does I want to work dat hard? It does look like fun. Maybe give a try some day.

I don't think dese sleddogs know whats to make of the big husky. I thinks he scared them. Or maybe dey just want him to comes and play. Maybe dey make him a wheel dog.

Well, it was a nice day and I was kinda tuckered out on the way home.

Ivanna wasn't ready for sleep. She was still wanting to go. Maw says she did fall asleep for little bit. It was nice to get home and tell my udder siber-sibs about it. Maw had to take them all for a walk to makes up for it.
Husky kisses,
Boy did wese has a nice time on Saturday at dis walk calls the Hike 'n Howl. I gots to meet lots of udder huskies and walk thru a nice park called Core Creek Park. It was a bee-woo-tiful day wid sunshine and nice cool weather for us huskies. But some humans thinks it was a bit too cold. Not fur us though.
Here's I gits to sees my friend Khyra and I gives her a husky hug.
Me and Ivanna gots to meet the Husky mascot. Ivanna kept barking at him to make sure he minds his manners and ta lets him know she's boss and takes no nonsense.
Here's all the huskies and their owners lining up for da walk. Man ders a lot of us.
This is da big room wheres dey had all the food and goodies for da humans. Me and Ivanna voted for da hot dogs. We coulda ates a whole lot after da walk.
Der was a sleddog team demonstration. Me and Ivanna were taking pointers on hows to pull a cart. I was kinda bored by it. Whys does I want to work dat hard? It does look like fun. Maybe give a try some day.
I don't think dese sleddogs know whats to make of the big husky. I thinks he scared them. Or maybe dey just want him to comes and play. Maybe dey make him a wheel dog.
Well, it was a nice day and I was kinda tuckered out on the way home.
Ivanna wasn't ready for sleep. She was still wanting to go. Maw says she did fall asleep for little bit. It was nice to get home and tell my udder siber-sibs about it. Maw had to take them all for a walk to makes up for it.
Husky kisses,
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Vacation from Maw and Paw
Hi Y'all,
Maw was busy baking lots of food for the car show. Us furkids had to waits untils she drops somethin on the floor. No such luck.
Then Maw and Paw left us wid some girls to cares for us. We had extra treats and bellyrubs. They loves us. What's not to love? We have be-woo-tiful faces. Wese real charmers.
Maw sells vintage clothing and stuff for doggies likes us.
Maw also meets a MaPaw foster mom. Her name is Phyllis and she fosters Chewie. Chewie's foster maw was selling reproduction oil cans with Husky on dem to help out MaPaw Siberian Husky Rescue.
Maw tooks pitchers of some of the vendors at dis show. Deys got lots of people dat comes from all over da world. Maw meets people from Sweden, England, Australia and udder countries.

Well we've had a woo woo of a week! I was busy doin' lots of things before Maw and Paw went to Hershey Antique Car Show. I had to digs some holes for fall plantin'.
I shows Ivanna hows to prune da lilac bush before da snow falls. Maw was none to pleased about dis. But it's gots to be done so woo have bea-woo-tiful flowers in da spring.
Maw and Paw sets up tents with stuff to sell at the show. Paw sells car stuff and memorabilia.
Maw evens gots to go to Chocolate World and buy some yummy chocolate chip cookies. Deys is HUGE!!! But we don'ts get a taste cause Maw says chocolate is no good for us doggies. Not fair!!!! Who come up wid dat dumb idea?!? Us huskies eats anything!!!

Well, I's tired from my vacation. I needs to rest and relax from all the eggs-citement.
Husky kisses to y'all,
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Introducing My Family
Hi Y'all,
Boy these weeks sure are goin' fast! Faster than those guys doin' laps in Nascar!! Go JG!!
Me and Nikita. Maw says it's Brotherly Love
Nikolai crossed Rainbow Bridge July 2008 15 1/2 yrs. old

Boy these weeks sure are goin' fast! Faster than those guys doin' laps in Nascar!! Go JG!!
Anyway, Maw says I should introduce da family. Maw did all these pitchers. Hope y'all like 'em.
My sister Vada
My brother Danya
My sister Ivanna
The other 2 pitchers are of Maw's other senior furkids who crossed the Rainbow Bridge in July within 2 weeks of each other. Maw says their "paws will remain on her heart forever". And she believes that Nikolai and Misha had opened the way for Maw and Paw to gives me and Nikita a loving fur-ever home.
Misha crossed Rainbow Bridge July 2008 15 years old
Maw and Paw have adopted all of us furkids from shelters, or they came as strays, or from a rescue. Maw says she has been blessed with so many woo-derful Sibes. We just "melt" her and paw's hearts.
Well, it's bedtime. Maw says I needs my rest. I am still a growing boy. Maw thinks I did get a little taller. But she wants me to takes care of my hips. Maw even gives me mee-ssages now. I just lay my head down and soaks it all up. But of course for the pitcher I has to look my best.
Husky kisses to y'all
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