Boy, did I has an eggsiting day on Saturday. Maw tooks me and only me on a road trip to Harrisburg for an event called Pawsabilities 2009. It is a fun event where lots of dogs could come and enter contests, shop, jump from a dock into water (who'd be silly to try this?) and meet lots of people and udder dawggies.
First thing we had to do after I had my potty break outside, we had to go and give Maw a potty break too! We go in dis wittle boxed in area. I was not to pleased. Why can't she go outside like I do?
Den we are on our way down a long hallway to git into da event. Let me tell you, dem floors were jest a little too slick for my taste. My legs were going all over da place. More on this later.
So guessin' who I gits to meet with???
Plus, guessin' who else I gots to meet?
First dey give you good things to eat.
Den dey gives you udder stuff to try. Celery was the next thing. YUCK YUCK YUCK! Maw was trying to coerce me into eating dat stuff. Where's more Hot Dog????? Yuck Celery! Well dat ended me being in da contest. I was hoping to try da pickles and lemon. Why couldn't dey feed dat stuff first or just stick wid da hot dogs and MilkBones? So after all of dat, we walked and shopped and said our goodbyes to da Kapp Pack and promised to see each other at another show sometime.
Den me and Maw met up with Maw's stepdaughter and future son-in-law, Mandy and Steve.
Steve was giving me a frozen treat. It was furry yummy. Makes up for dat yucky piece of celery. I ate da whole thing cause Steve's dog Sadie didn't like it. So Maw gave Sadie my treats. We watched da Dock Dogs event. Dat was cool. See dat blue thing in da background. Dat's da pool dey jump into. When dey splash da water out, I had to move my butt fast so I wouldn't git wet. Don't know why. I was lying on a wet floor.
Den me and Maw met up with Maw's stepdaughter and future son-in-law, Mandy and Steve.
Den we headed home.
Dis was me once we got home. I was one furry tired pupper. But is was such an eggsiting day.
Husky kisses,
PeeS: Oh! Da floors? Maw had to pick me up and carry me across certain parts of da floor cause I would rear up, back into someone or something and not budge. Jest didn't want to walk on slippy floors. I have a feeling she's gonna put something on my pawsies next time.
What a full day woo had!
I bet is was sooo khool to see them again!
I'm glad Brook gave woo some right bakhk! I know how woo khan be!
Wooo! What a fun day and you got to see all of those siberians again! I never see any here, I think I am the only one in Florida!
Yuck I would not eat celery either!
-Kira, the other one
We were so happy to get to see woo too! It was great fun having girls day out!
Hope to see woo soon!
Butt wiggles, Meadow
What a pawesome day! I can't wait till I am old enough to go to contests where they feed you stuffs. I mighta even eaten the celary. Wayyy cool!
Oh Biloxi ~ woo did make us laugh lots, specially bout the slippery floors and celery!!! Woo are so adorable, our Mom says woo're 'precious' whateva that means!
Team Husky
Biloxi - We are more convinced than ever that you are Rusty's long lost brother. He has to sniff every piece of food before trying it. he would stick his nose up at celery too.
Loved your sleepy picture in the end.
That is so cool that you got to see the Kapp Pack! What a cool reunion! And seriously, are Brook and Meadow as gorgeous in real life as they are through the blogs? Yeowzers!
I really don't think I'd eat celery either. I know Ammy wouldn't.
Play bows,
That looks like fun! I'm glad you had a Steve to give you treats. Anybody named Steve understands that a dog needs his treats.
I don't think I've tried celery. I tried lettuce once and I didn't like it.
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