Here are more of Maw and Pa's vacation pics.
Deese are of da National Museum of the United States Air Force in Dayton, Ohio.

Also, dis here is a tribute to a great entertainer, Bob Hope. Dis was way before my time. Maw said he was a great comedian and she loved watchin' him on TV when she was a wittle girl. Dey had black and white TV back then. Bob Hope traveled to many countries to entertain our American Troops. Dat makes him a furry special man who brought many smiles to da boys far from home.
Since Maw and Pa were wid a special group, dey had a furry special dinner at the National Museum called "Dinner Under the Wings". She said it was one of da best dinners dey had.
There was an honor guard to present the colors before dinner. It brought tears to her eyes. Just awesome.
Dey also had entertainment by a small Air Force band.
Deese are 2 videos Maw took. Sorry if dey is dark but the lighting was a bit dark in da big museum.
Maw and Pa really did enjoy demselves. Will have to check out Maw's flashy beast fur more pics later.
Husky kisses,
Wow! Cool plane pics!
Rusty says he is sure he could fluff that quilt into the perfect sleeping spot with his claws!
Tank woo fur sharing more of Maw and Pa's big adventure!
Just imagine how much fun their group would have had with WOO running around in there!
Just wait until Steve and Kat show their mom these pikhs!
Thank you for sharing your vacation pics - they were really incredible - our momma loves all that history type of stuff and especially military stuff
Woodrow, Sweetie & MJ
Thanks for sharing, Biloxi! Our mom and dad love that kind of stuff!
Play bows,
Still no mention of your presents from their vacation!
Huffle Mawson
My mom has been to that museum. She thought it was really cool.
Hey Biloxi there's a present for you on my blog today!
Huffle Mawson
Dinner under the wings sound really cool! HuMom loves that kind of stuff
That looks like a wonderful vacation - too bad you didn't get to go too.
Woos, the OP Pack
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