Let me tell woo bouts sum 'por tent happenin's comin' up.
Maw jest received a box from MaPaw Siberian Rescue (my rescue group) wid lots of paper, flyers, stamps and envylopes.
Der is 2 furry important tings goin' on. 
One is da Hike 'n Howl on October 10, 2009 at da Hickory Nut Picnic Grove in Tyler State Park, Pa. Fur more info, log onto www.hikenhowl.com. We hopes woo could join us der. Fun time fur pups and hoomans alike.
Da udder one is fur MaPaw foster and former foster pups. Like me! It is a calendar contest. Nikita and me was da February pinup guys! HaRoooooooo! We was hot!
So Maw is going to enter me again. Here we go again wid dat big flashy beast. Oh well, hope she gits my best side.
Maw is thinkin' maybe we enter this pitcher. What do woo think? I will have her take da red outta my eyes sews I don't look like a devil dog. I is an angel.
Well, I guessin' I go help Maw now and do my part for MaPaw Siberian Rescue. My maw needs sum one to at least lick dem envylopes fur her.
Husky kisses,
Such a helpful boy you are, Biloxi!!
Cheers for you Biloxi! Have a great day!!
Cheers & cheeze,
I think your picture would be perfect (with the red out.) No one thinks you are a debbil dog, Biloxi!
hi there Biloxi, Khyra told us it's your mumster birthday today.....Happy Birthday to yoo ....
and a big hello to you for being such a helpful sonny
Yeah, we read Khyra's comment as well so happy birthday to your mom.
PS and of course you are an angel dog.
Biloxi, Happy Birthday to your Mom.
We thinks your Mom needs to take a picture showing off your blue eyes. We are partial to blue eyed doggies around here. ~S,S,C & F
Woooos! Biloxi! Try not to enjoy the photo shoot too much, Make Mom work for them pictures, close your eyes, turn away, you know what to do, you are a Sibe!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
I'm hopin' Mom and I khan khome to this one!
I want to see WOO again!
Happy Birthday to your special MAW!
We just signed up for the hike and howl - but what a drag only one of us can come walk with mommy unless she finds minions to walk. silly rules 1 doggie per person - what would the Thundering Herd do!!
Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ
If I lived close enough, I'd be at the Hike N Howl in a heartbeat!!
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