Please visit our pal Jack and his family today. Jack's sister Tori has crossed da Rainbow Bridge. She was wid dem fur about 5 weeks and gots furry sick.

So dance sweet girl among da stars in your bee-wootiful harness. And my your paws be furever upon your family's hearts.
Extra hugs and snooter smoochies to woo Jack.
Your buddy,
Woos, Biloxi. Thank woo fur mentioning Tori. Just a note- she was only with us fur 5 weeks -- isn't that sad? Its been 10 weeks since Star crossed the bridge.
Wish I lived closer sos I could come play with woo, I keep running out of playmates.
jack a-roo
Wasn't it nice of Tori to send some SNOW fur today?
I've been thinking of her all day -
And wishing she khould be here
With Jakhk and Star and all of our furiends!
Mom's leaking again now -
I've got to do some khleaning up of her cheeks -
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
It was a total shock and very sad news when we heard about Tori. We didn't know her for long but she will be missed. Poor Jack and Mom.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
We are still very very sad in my house about Tori. That was a very nice tribute Biloxi.
We could not believe the news when we heard. So terribly sad.
Every time we read about Miss Tori, our eyes start leaking all over again. We are all SO very sad about her loss. She can now be with her brother Sherman, and Star too. The heavens have another shining star tonight.
Holly and Khady
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