We's wants to wish our sisfur Ivanna a Belated Happy Gotcha' Day! Maw gots her on Jan. 17, 2005. Ivanna is our "bossy" wittle sister. Sews we listen to her or else. But she is also a furry good sisfur. She is lots of fun to plays wid.
Here is Ivanna wid a Ruby Cube. She loves rollin' it to git da treats out.
We is wishin' her many happy, healthy years here.
Over da weekend, Ma and Paw went to go visitin' our cousins Jager, Sadie (on da pillow), and Scrappy fur a tree burnin' party.
Uncle Steven was gittin' da ham ready, Pa was samplin', and da cousins were jest hanging around waitin' fur der wittle tidbits. Dey did git a little samplin' ma said.
Once da food was ready, Maw, Pa, Uncle Steve and Auntie Mandy went outside to gits da fire started. Uncle Steve had a small one going already.
Pa helped to put some trees on to really gits hot!

Maw said it smelled so nice wid da fresh pine scent. Den dey talked about da movie, Christmas Vacation, and dis is how quick da tree burned in da movie. Ma said woo had to be furry careful during da party cause da trees burned furry furry fast.
Der were lots of people to come and help wid dis party. Dey all jest stood and watched da Christmas trees. 
Dey also burned sumone's couch cause der Great Dane tores it all up. Guess he didn't think it was all dat comfy.
Here is Uncle Steve and Auntie Mandy.
Here is how bid da fire gots. Maw was standin' way way back. Glad we stayed home.
Husky kisses,
Happy Gotcha Day to your sisfur!
I'm sure woo've been extra sweet to her!
Did Maw bake her a furry special khake!?!
Tank woo fur sharing the adult pawty!
That was khwite a big khandle they lit!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
Happy Gotcha day to your sis!! I hope she got lots of treats!
Wow, what a huge fire!! I can't believe you didn't get to go and hang out and get some yummy marshmellows. I bet the humans had a lot of fun though!
Holly and Khady
Happy gotcha Day, Ivanna! Woo ;sure ended up in a nice family! Wooos & a-roos, that's a big blaze! Reading this made my mom smile, she remembered that when she was little, her hometown would have a BIG tree-burning party, & effurybody would show up to get warm by the fire, and smell the pine smell. Sounds kinda nice.
a-roos to yous,
jack a-roo & maybe moo
Happy Gotcha Day, Ivanna! And why oh why are we thinking Craig Morgan and "Bonfire"
Happy Gotcha Day to Ivanna - hope you all get cake. That looks like a very fun time your humans had, too bad you didn't get to go too.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
Happy gotcha day to your pretty sis Ivanna! Cool fire!
WOOOO woo rar rar rar,
Kayla and Maebe
Happy Gotcha Day Ivanna! Did your parents bring you any of that ham?
Happy belated gotcha day Ivanna! That is a lovely big fire and it would be very warm to sit next to, I think.
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