Well, today starts da Iditarod Race in Alaska. Being a husky and all, I find dis to be a furry interesting race. Maw says she would love to be able to visit der sumtime and watch part of da race.
Me and my brudders and sisters would rather jest watch on TV and relax on our pillows instead.

Now Maw has been doing something wid us da past month called da Idita-Walk.

She is to walk 1049 minutes before da Iditarod ends. It started in February and ends when da Iditarod ends.
Well, Maw has clocked in over 1100 minutes so far. We is so furry proud of her but she couldn't a done wid out us. Wooo Woooooo!
Husky kisses,
Congrats to your Mom and good luck to all the pups and mushers. It is a fun race to watch and follow.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
When I'm snoozing in my chair, I'm dreaming of running in The Iditarod!
I've been keeping my Mom hitting the trail for our walk too - we are way beyond our 1049 -
Happy Walking!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
Wooos! Watching it is good from the comfort of home, good luck to everyone!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Congratulations. Everyone is a winner with that much walking!
Great for your mom and you puppers. We are big fans of the the Ididarun! We like to make the hoomans get off their booties and get out there and run.
Paws and poofs,
Ozzie and Zozo
I'm inclined to be a couch pup myself. I'll leave the work up to those crazy Sibes!
Way to go on the Iditawalk. You're in the ocean by now, right? Well past Nome!
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