Furst in line fur the dinner buffet?Hugz&Khysses,Khyra
With two gorgeous faces like that staring at the camera operator, we are sure those bowls will be full of yummy food soon.Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Woooos! We have the same food dish! Mum hides the food inside of it,so we can't get it when she is not looking. Do woo two share it?~husky kisses~-Kira The BeaWootiful
Ha-roo, roo, we second Khyra's comment!jack a-roo & moo too
Looks like a me first line starting.
Are they in a UFC clinch, battle for the right for the first bite?Flash
You're just cuddling by the food bowls. That's the best place in case any food appears in the bowls.Steve
So so, what was the bowl filled with?Cheers,Maxx
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Furst in line fur the dinner buffet?
With two gorgeous faces like that staring at the camera operator, we are sure those bowls will be full of yummy food soon.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Woooos! We have the same food dish! Mum hides the food inside of it,so we can't get it when she is not looking. Do woo two share it?
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Ha-roo, roo, we second Khyra's comment!
jack a-roo & moo too
Looks like a me first line starting.
Are they in a UFC clinch, battle for the right for the first bite?
You're just cuddling by the food bowls. That's the best place in case any food appears in the bowls.
So so, what was the bowl filled with?
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