Wese catched us a HUGE mouse!!!!! Ivanna and Nikita was tryin' ta rip da ting in half.
Den I's got a hold of it and tries ta shreds it. I ain't never seen a mouse almost as big as me! Have any of you guys?
I's wasn't lettin' dis one gits away from me!
Husky kisses,
Well, that is surely better than the OTHER khritter woo all had!
PeeEssWoo: So, what did woo think of the snow?
That looks like more fun than the stupid mouse we had in our house!
Puppy slurps, Canyon
Hey, that mouse looks like a lot of fun!
WOW Biloxi, that is a big mouse!! Our biggest critter is a donkey that we can barely fit in out mouth. Does your mouse squeak?
WOOOOO woo rar rar rar,
Kayla and Maebe
Oh, The Girl is terror-ified at mouses! If she saw one THAT big, she'd completely lose her mind!
Brown dog kisses,
Them mouses sure do grow big where you live! Wooof!!!
Mya Boo boo
WOWZERS, that's some mouse! They grow big where you are!
Play bows,
WOO WOO Biloxi
We have NEVER seen a mouse that big! You are a very very brave siberian to take it on. We are so proud of you!
Thor and Marco Polo
Excellent job is wrestling the intruder to the ground. We are really proud of you.
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