HaRoooo Y'all,
Well, I's got tagged by our friends from Team Husky.
Here is what Maw found in da folder.

This here is a pickture of land in South Dakota. Maw and Pa went there in July last year. Dey had a furry good time explorin' da country out there.
But wanted to post dees udder pics from der too.

Dey went to da Badlands! Kinda like here wid Nikita. Maw always saying Bad Bad Bad Nikita. Dat's cause he takes what ain't his.

Look how high dem mountains are. Maw says dey is made of mostly a dirt and sand.

You can even go up and down sum of dem but youse has to be furry furry careful. Some of dem have a wittle path ta follow.

Pa is posing by a sign dat says "Beware of Rattlesnakes". Maw don't like dem snakes.
So now we will do some tagging too. Here are da rules:
* Open a document or file folder
* Click on the fifth folder
* Find the fifth photo
* Post the photo and describe it
* Tag five other bloggers.
Husky kisses,
Tank woo fur sharing my little SnowSibePal!
Furry khool pikhs...Mom was there when she was a little girl...bakhk befur the word digital was even invented!
I did this one already BUT I'm sure I khan find another fifth/fifth to share!
Enjoy our white stuff!
Cool pictures. I can't believe they went with out you, but of course, you would have had to be on your best behavior because you don't want to be bad and left in the badlands!! :-)
Mom says she would have never gotten out of the car if she had seen that sign.
WOO Biloxi, nice pics!!
WOOOO woo rar rar rar,
Kayla and Maebe
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