Well, I is going fur my ahhh-pee-ray-shun tomorrow morn'. Doc says it's my hip causin' problems fur da knee. He is gonna remove part of my hip bone to help my leg feel better and den I can walk better he says. Doc was movin' my kneecap around and it didn't hurt none. When he moved my hip around, dat hurt and I let him know it, but in a nice way.
I will have one week of recovery time and den maw is supposin' to take me walkin' an runnin'. Can you see Maw runnin' wid me????? She'd be havin' a ahhh-pee-ray-shun next or I'd probably give her a hardy tack.
1. Look both ways befur crossin' da street to make sure no cars acomin'.
2. Make sure your Maw or Paw is wid woo when woo go fur a walkie.
3. Also, be on a leash wid your Maw or Paw attached to da udder end to keep safe.
Please pass de woofs of safety along. We don't want to see any udder puppers go thru what I's has to go through. All because someone wasn't watchin' me and I wasn't taught dese lessons.
Thank dogness, my new Maw and Paw is always watchin' us puppers (efen tho we do kind of sneak into a wittle trouble).
Maw will keep efurryone posted on how it goes.
Thank woo for all da Sibe Vibes comin' my way. Dey is truly ahh-pee-she-ate-it.
Husky kisses,
Oh little pal of mine...
Your furst PA 'ma and paw' sent this to the SMS moms earlier today...
We'll be khrossing all we got fur woo!
Woo are such great hands with your FUREVER MA! I mean any Ma born on THAT August day is pretty freakin' special!
Please make sure she paws me woo are okay!
Good luck, little Biloxi. We will also be crossing our paws for you. You are so very lucky to have a furever home that is willing to be trained the correct way!
-Kira The BeaWootiful and Scampi too!
Good luck on your operation! And thanks for those excellent safety tips!
Oh B. I hope your Opeeeraayshun goes ok. I will look both ways always and will ask J & K to hold onto the leash. Paws crossed for your and those that love ya.
Take care and quick recov.
Bionic Hip Pup Sam and the Mutatoe welcome you to the gimpy gang. We'll have all of our paws crossed here for a successful surgery so that you can continue your HULA accomplishments pain free.
Best wishes for your surgery! We hope you don't have any pain and that your leg is all better when it's over.
Steve and Kat
We're praying for you, Biloxi!
We're so glad you're in the right home now!! And you're sooooo right. We can NEVER trust our mom off-leash! Any time one or more of us Sibes go out with her, we make sure she's on the other end of our leash!
Play bows,
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