It does look like Maw was gettin' ready to paint da kitchen wid da brushes and colors she had lined up.
But,yes, Miss Lady Khyra was right! Chocolate Husky lollipops. Unfortunately, only hoomans can eat dees.
Maw was makin' dees special for da MaPaw Siberian Rescue to sell at a show this month. Dey don't know about dem yet. Maw was doin' dem as a surprise so dey could raise money.
Maybe she will make sumptin' special for us too!
Husky kisses,
I thought woo were your maw's special sweet!?!
They are khute - but not as khute as woo!
I bet they taste soooo furry good!
PeeEssWoo: My bone is just a raw beef bone - Mom was lukhky enough to get a tray of them at BJ's one Sunday - they had sliced them into 1"-2" sekhtions! They are just the khorrekht size fur me to have some fun with YET they don't have fun with ME! I had a few when she brought them home then she popped the rest in the freezer.
But, what is the point of a treat that we can't have?
Yum but i guess Mom won't let me have any either! It is very nice of your mom to spend the time and donate to such a wonderful cause! Puppy kisses for Mom!
-Kira and Scampi
Those are COOL! Your mom is very talented!
Ammy said the thought of bipeds eating chocolate Sibes was kind of scary, though. Ha roo roo roo!
Play bows,
That is very clever of her to make chocolate sibes.
I'm with Ammy though, how spooky to think of biting off the head of a sibe
Those are so cool! My mom wishes that she lived close enough to buy one.
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