Well, Maw took me on a trip yesterday to a show called Pawsabilities at da Farm Show Complex in Harrisburg. Dis show helps to benefit Susquehanna Service Dogs that raise puppies and trains dem to help people wid disabilities.
Maw took me here fur a purpose. She wanted to git me tested for a CGC (Canine Good Citizen) which I knows I already is. And da TDI (Therapy Dog) test. Maw was hoping I would do so good.
I walked nice on leash. I let da lady pet me and brush me. I walked past a piece of food and left it (da second time around). I walked around da crutches and wheelchairs. I stayed wid a stranger fur 3 whole minutes. I efen did a down/stay fur Maw. What I didn't do?????? I didn't COME when maw gave da command. Da last part of da test. I was in my down/stay and didn't feel like gittin' back up. What do woo think of that?Maw says we will have to try again later in da year. Da tester thinks I be good at rally/obedience. Rally, maybe. But obedience??? Come on! I'm a Sibe! Maw couldn't take pictures because she was helpin' me.
Maw was proud of what I could do. But Maw says we will do a wittle more training and see if I could pass da test next time. Maw wants me to work wid kids and sit wid dem and let dem read to me or whatever makes dem happy.
We did gits to meet up wid Aunt Mandy, Uncle Steve and cousin Sadie. Sadie was doin' a com-pee-tishun called Dock Diving.
Here is Uncle Steve wid Sadie waitin' in line so Sadie could jump in dat big pool woo see behind dem.
Sadie did have to go in da water to retrieve her wubba. Sadie did do a few more jumps but not like she does at home. Guessin' Uncle Steve will work wid her over da summer so she could do dis again next year.
I gots to meet lots of doggies and udder hoomans here.
Here I am wid Clifford da Big Red Dog!
And this is da Blue Dog dat lives in a Big Blue House! Dey were both so furry nice to me.
Maw took me shopping and we walked lots and lots. Got some hoofies to chew on. And some free treats.
Okay, Maw. I has had enuff. Could we go home now???
Woo Hoo! I is ready for home! Let's find da truck!
I know da Sibe-urban is around here sumwhere! Lots and lots of cars!
Here it is Maw! I founds it!
Husky kisses,
You didn't come when your mom called you? Well, seriously, Biloxi. We all know what THAT means. You're a Siberian. Ha roo roo roo! You did GREAT on all that other stuff and this one just proves who you are!
Those big red and blue dogs look very interesting! What a cool adventure!
Play bows,
Woos, we're impreessed that woo are working on your CGC. Our mom would like us to do that too, but I don't think we listen to her nearly well enough to pass that test! Woo, you got to meet Clifford & Blue????!!! How exciting, they're furry famous! Loks like woo had a great time.
a-roos to yous,
jack a-roo & moo too
I is proud of woo, Biloxi! Woo did most of the commands stuff really good. Being a Sibe, people should know that we only come when we WANT to!! I would have been scared of the big red and big blue dogs!
Mya Boo Boo
Wooos Biloxi! We are BOL at the AO4 comment... but I am obedience trained with several titles so it can be done with much human training and lots of treats! Coming can be so difficult when there are other things to do....
I was much impressed with how woo went up to those large scary blue and red giant fur thingys!
~puppy kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful,CGC, CD, CDX!
Woo already know what I thought!
I mean REALLY - what is this khoming thing?
It was khool to see woo had such a great day!
Too bad woo didn't khall me to khome meet woo!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
PeeEssWoo: Mom had a transport passenger today that had lots to say! Mom even khalled him The Mouth From The South at one point! He khame from SC and is spending his furst night in NH!
Wow! It looks like you had a great time. Once we saw some dogs doing the dock diving. It looks like a lot of fun, but I don't know if I would actually jump in once I got to the end of the dock. I might just jump around and act silly!
Looks like you've had a fun day!!
That's a mighty snazzy backpack you've got and the color matches you so!!
Thanks for sharing your pawesome day with us!
We continued our survey among The Herd and none of us have ever heard the word "come." Oh, our human has said it, but none of us has HEARD it, if you know what we mean.
Looks like tons of fun! We just discorvered your blog today!1 We are now following!! We hope you will check us out and follow us too!!
Woo Wooo
Shiloh, Shelby, and their Mom
You left food???????
I am so impressed. Well, I think I am, I mean it is not something I could ever do. So it must be impressive.
You are a very good dog, and I am sure you can be a great helper. Any Sibe that leaves food is a special Sibe.
Should have added, I actually dont take it until I am told. But if I wasnt told to take it? Who knows?
Sigh....my HERO!!
I snuck in on the keyboard when Summiii was snoozin...hehehe!!
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