Well I is home from my ahhh-pee-ray-shun. Doc says efurrything went well and I's could go home to rest.
Isn't dis embarrasing? I is one quarter naked!!!!! Plus I gots to wear dis satellite dish!!!!!!! Houston, we got a problem. Can woo hear me now????
Oh Houston! Can woo hear me now??? I can't git a signal. Nuttin on dis end.
Thank woo all fur all the sibe vibes and crossed paws, prayers and thoughts. Dey helped me and my family git through this.
Husky kisses,
Maybe Maw will go outside and hearing me singing my happy song!
I will be putting your handsome face on my blog on Saturday!
I'm sooooo furry proud of woo...and your Maw and Paw!
We're so glad you're home and fixed properly! Go easy on Mom and do as she says. There's plenty of time for playing after you heal. Hugs to you and Mom!
Ha roooooo! Welcome home, special guy!
Hey, we're all going to go outside and yell "ha rooo!" as loud as we can. See if you can pick that up on your sat. dish!
Storm said your recovery is one of those few times when you really DO need to do what your mom tells you to. Hmm. She's really smart, so you might want to do that.
Play bows,
We are so HAPPI your home!!!!
You did so well, such a strong guy.
Hope your satellite dish won't bug you. I partied really hard with mine when I got fixed, and mom and dad had to duct tape it.
You are one awesome pup! Keep strong buddy!
Tail Wags,
Thank doG Biloxi!
We were really worried for you. Eskimo snooter kisses from me and Kiley. Hope you're feeling better soon.
I happy glad you are well, but did they have to make you so naked? I hare it when they do that, it is so embarrassing. And that collar thingy has to go. I am sure it won't last long...
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Have your mom give you snooter smooches from us! We hope this gives you some relief from your pain!
Sky, Canyon, Meadow, Brook and the bipeds too!
I'd like to do more than stick my tongue out at those people.
You are a gentleman, Biloxi.
So glad the surgery went well, you did well, and you are back home where you can keep an eye on your mum!
We were (and are!) rooting for you, kiddo!!
I could never understand why they put those stupid sattelite dishes on us, cuz they NEVER seem to work right!
We're sending lots of get well vibes for you!!! I like the pic of what you think of your former owners. They didn't deserve you anyway, you are MUCH better off now!!
Woos & a-roos to yous, Biloxi! We are furry furry relieved woo are back hoome, even if woo are a quarter naked. You're still a handsome & extra-special pup! Sending sibe vibes you heal up quickly!
Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
Ohhh Biloxi. We can't wait until you are back to your old self again.
Those satellite dish things are kind of cool. The humans feel sorry for you and if you really play it up they will hand feed you when you are wearing that thing.
Flurry and Aja
I'm glad you are doing OK. Get lots of sleep and sympathy while you can. I think that the 1/4 naked look might be the next big fashion for the summer!
I hope you feel better soon Biloxi. That naked bit will grow back soon enough, don't you worry. Can you pick up Australian TV with your satellite dish?
Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky
We still have our paws crossed for you. It looks like you need all the help you can get, what with that satellite dish and being naked. I can send you some fluff if you need it. Just say the word!
Glad you came through well. Your twin brother Rusty had to wear one of those satellite dishes and he found it to be a very effective weapon against the other members of The Herd.
I am so glad that your surgery went well.:)
Teddy Bear
Hi Biloxi! Khyra told us about you. I don't know what happened to you leg but I'm just glad you made it through. We hope you have a speedy recovery!
Solid Gold Dancer
Hi Biloxi
We are so happy your operation is over and went well. Glad you can make jokes or is that the medication talking.
Thank you for the walking tips on your previous post. Mom promises to follow them all the time.
Hope your crate rest passes quickly.
Love Ruby & Penny
Get well soon! Khyra said you'd been through surgery. We get very angry with bad hoomans that don't treat their doggies properly. And happy when the good ones treat them the way they should. Crate rest is booooring, but afterwards you'll be all better!
Bajas and Virus
Hi Biloxi!
I read about you on Khyra's blog and wanted to stop and see you. I am glad you had your operashun and hope for happy walking and running from here on out!
I went back and read some of your old blogs, so I know you were hit by a car and that your peoples didn't take care of you. Wrong, wrong! Its good you have new peoples and that they love you and care for you.
I will stop again and see how you are doing. Do you need anything? Do you pick up Minniesnowda on your sattelite dish? If you do, give me a buzz.
We came on over from Khyra's blog to say hello. We are sending healing vibes while you are on lock down!!
Hi there! Khyra sent us over to meet you! sorry about what you had to go through, you'll be ok so long as nobody calls you bucket head. ;)
Feather, Darla, Pappy & LizzaBella
We had to stop by and say hi and we are so happy that you are doing well. shame on those other owners. We know you have a great forever home now. Oh Khyra sent us your way.. She is a great friend..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Hi Biloxi!
I'm glad that you're at home and healing. Listen to everything your maw and paw tell you and take it easy.
I'm so happy the operashun went well. Hope woo feel better soon! In exchange for being a good boy in the crate, make sure woo cry extra loudly so that woor mom will spoil woo with lots of treats!
Hi Biloxi,
Khyra sent me, I'm glad your operation went well, you did impress the Vet, right?
I had to wear the lamp shade or satelline disk before, whatchamaycalit, didn't like it a bit!
Biloxi, it is nice to meet you. We hope you are feeling better now. We will be purring for you, and Fenris is sending you some healing licks. Khyra sent us over to say hi. BTW We lives in Ocean Springs, MS.
(Cats)Scylla, Charybdis & Socks & (our doggie) Fenris
Please check out our blog ~ we've given Biloxi an award!!!
Team Husky
WOOOOOO Biloxi, we have a lot of catching up to do but we are so happy to hear you did well. WOO have a conehead partner in crime in Kayla as she has had to wear that satellite dish thingy for the last week. She may wear it a few extra days for solidarity (oops... she is not happy about THAT!!)
We hope you heal up real fast and our woos are with woo!
WOOOOOO...., Maebe
Happy you are doing well - fell better
Woodrow, Sweetie, MJ
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